Data Driven Museums

Big Data and the Art of Survival: How Museums are Using Data to Thrive

  Big Data and the Art of Survival: How Museums are Using Data to Thrive 

Cultural institutions face many pressures: Technology is constantly changing. Visitors tastes and expectations are evolving. Fluctuating economic and political environments can destabilize funding. In a time of uncertainty and change, museums and other cultural institutions must focus on the things that all businesses do: enhancing efficiencies and increasing revenue. But where should they start? Data.“Hello world, I’m data!”What is big data? A term coined in the early 2000s, big data is the large volume of data that inundates businesses on a day-to-day level. Data by itself doesn’t mean much. It’s what you do with data that’s important. Collecting data through wifi, internal software, or through visitors’ cellular devices, there is a host of things museums can learn about their own operations and visitor behavior. This information can be used to not only tailor visitors’ experience but use museum dollars more wisely--bringing cultural resources to the world for generations to come. So, what big data are we talking about and how can it be used?Using Data to Trim the FatFrom tailoring exhibits to making sure you are reaching the right audience with your message, data can help increase revenue, make operations more efficient, and use each dollar more effectively so that people can visit museums for generations to come.Take The Art Institute of Chicago. They spent time and resources to create an internal method of looking at attendance data. At first glance, nothing jumped out, but looking at the data a different way, a pattern emerged...Read more 


We recently released our app for The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens and are SO excited about some of the new features! Designed especially for zoos and aquariums, the app included NEW FEATURES such as: 

  • Interactive Geomaps.Say goodbye to paper maps! These interactive maps show visitors EXACTLY where they are. 

  • Individual Animals. Want visitors to connect to the interesting animal personalities at your zoo or aquarium? Individual animal tell your animals' stories. And speaking of connection...

  • Our new Donation Button allows visitors to turn caring into action--donating to save their favorite animals. 

  • AR Conservation Sticker. We're all about caring in action. Our new AR giraffe conservation sticker (above) gives people the chance to learn about the giraffe in an interactive way AND donate to save them. 

We also recently user-tested a new VR experience for the Battleship IOWA at LA Fleet Week. The

 HUP 2 Helicopter VR experience

allows users to fly around a Battleship on an obstacle course or go on a rescue mission.