Human Value

How To Leverage Digital Experiences to Generate Revenue for Museums

Creating digital experiences for your cultural institution should be not only a boon for visitors, but a savvy business move. Let us show you how!

Creating Digital Experiences The Right Way:

Enhance the Visitor Experience and Generate Revenue at the Same Time

Creating digital experiences for your cultural institution should not only be a boon for visitors, but a savvy business move. You want your visitors to have cutting-edge, interactive experiences that enhance your exhibits and bring the museum, zoo, or aquarium experience to a whole new level. And, you want that experience to be integrated with your institution as a whole. As Catherine Devine, chief digital officer at the American Museum of Natural History said, "Digital is not something that sits to the side. It has to be really integrated into the physical experience." Also, digital experiences should not be a drain on finances, but be utilized to enhance your bottom line. 

Most digital experience companies charge tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for a one-time experience or an empty app that has no content. But an app without content is essentially a glorified calendar. (Don't get us started!) And a digital experience that is created without consultation across different departments will likely be siloed and unsuccessful. Who will provide project management to unify your museum's message across different departments? Who will listen to your experts and tell the story of your institution in a way that is informative and relatable? Who will spend time developing new tech features to keep your digital cutting-edge? You could hire ten people. Or, you could hire one Guru at a fraction of the cost to create a complete digital experience that your visitors and CFO equally love.