Digital Strategy Post Pandemic

How to Keep Digital-Savvy Visitors Engaged

Visitors are Back! And guess what? They're downloading apps... It may have taken a global pandemic, but visitors are downloading museum apps at an unprecedented rate. l Storytelling Strategy

If storytelling in a museum is king, then digital storytelling MUST be the queen. They go hand-in-hand, both sharing the throne that is ‘museum engagement’.

We will sound like a broken record amongst the consensus in the industry when we say that now more than ever digital storytelling is a top priority for cultural institutions. Whether you are trying to reach visitors at home, expand your reach to (the now-missing) foreign tourists overseas in their homes, grasping at millennials’ attention, or aiming to provide a touchless Covid-safe experience – formulating a robust digital storytelling strategy is paramount.

But where to start!?

For many teams that have lost major man power on account of layoffs, and therefore begun wearing even more hats than usual, tackling strategy can not only be daunting but seem near impossible.

We are happy to help, and now you don’t have to hire us to do so. From our team of experts, here are some great questions to ask, and places to start if you want your institution to get moving on its next digital storytelling initiative.

Step 1

Convene with leaders from every, yes EVERY, department. Digital storytelling is not relevant to only educators, or only visitor services, or only curatorial. For a successful digital storytelling strategy to work, ALL TEAMS need to be on board and feel they have agency and input in what should be a consistent, institution-wide strategy. When you get everyone in one room together, the daunting and slow moving task of gaining consensus can immediately take off.

Step 2

Gather consensus on how digital storytelling can satisfy the needs and goals of each department. Can it increase membership engagement? Can it generate a new source of revenue? Can it increase your ‘cool’ factor for younger audiences? Can it increase your reputation? Can it increase or further accessibility initiatives?

ALL TEAMS need to be on board and feel they have agency and input in what should be a consistent, institution-wide strategy.

Step 3

What all encompassing solution can help achieve the various goals and objectives each department has cited as a meaningful goal? Brainstorm options and opportunities, and assign a strategy team (again consisting of a representative from each department) to follow up and explore how to align institution-wide needs with holistic institution-wide solutions. Holistic solutions mean: - Using less tools to serve multiple needs, not multiple tools for use on a need by need basis - Thinking of the visitor first. How can you make their experiences easier, simpler, straight forward, and intuitive? A solution is only as successful as the visitor satisfaction it achieves. - Seeking agility. How can your storytelling solutions and digital strategy grow with you? Is your storytelling platform and strategy easily replicable, and able to evolve with visitor expectations?

Step 4

Execute! Ok, easier said than done, but you might be surprised how much smoother your digital initiative will roll out when the entire institution team is on board.

Curious on how to get started on your own digital strategy?