W3 2018 Awards

🎉 Special Announcement! Guru Museum Partners Bring Home the Gold (& Silver)! đźŹ†

Time to make room in that trophy case! This year, our museum partners brought home Gold and Silver from the W3 Awards. â€‹

W3 is an organization that acclaims digital excellence in everything from websites, to web marketing, video, social content, and mobile apps. Each year, digital content is judged by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, an invitation-only organization made up of the digital world’s elite, including executives from Disney, Facebook, Microsoft, Wired, and more. This year, there were over 5,000 entries. 

Less than 10% were awarded the title “2018 Gold Winner.”


Without further ado, drumroll please…

W3 Gold Winners:

  • Museum of Pop Culture Mobile App - Mobile Features, for Best User Experience

  • Battleship IOWA Mobile Tour - Educational Mobile Apps  

W3 Silver Winners:

  • Battleship North Carolina Mobile Tour - Mobile Features, Best Streaming Audio

  • Battleship IOWA Mobile Tour - Mobile Features, Best Streaming Audio

  • Living Desert Zoo and Garden - Best Use of GPS/Location Technology in Mobile Features and for Mobile Apps Augmented Reality!

  • Museum of Man Tour - Best Cultural Site Mobile App

Congratulations to all of our partners! 

For more information about our award-winning apps, feel free to chat with our Director of Sales & Global Partnerships, Alenna Gatti at [email protected]!